[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Hello Everyone!

Are you all still breathing? Are you feeling overwhelmed with emotion, anger, despair or just feeling stuck?

The energies right now are stirring the unconscious and shadowy aspects of ourselves, bringing up old hurts, sexual abuse, places where we feel inadequate. It’s been a roller coaster ride for many of my clients, and it’s been difficult to feel settled within ones center. Because of this, I feel it’s a good time to start a month dedication to a practice, be it qigong, meditation or walking. Instead of doing the traditional “gong” of 100 days, I believe ease is needed right now– a month or even a week of commitment to yourself is a noble goal, and will help you ride these waves of transformation.

It’s always easier when a group Qi field is created. No matter what you choose, it’s the intention that will set your path. You may find my videos helpful along the way. You can preview them here on my website

If this is even too much, then take a moment each day to focus on your breathing…deep dantien breaths in your belly to relax and ground your energy. 

Feel free to share the practice you have chosen in the comments section below. Add your questions and I’ll be happy to provide helpful answers.



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